The random facts you need to know

Hi!  I'm Sarah, the one with the "h" in her name.  I've been a stylist at Headcases for 15 years, 22 years total in the industry.  I love what I do, and I love learning everything about it.  My nickname at the salon is "the human google", so I've decided to focus my blog on all the random bites of knowledge.  I'll try to keep it short and sweet so it doesn't get boring!

My first random fact I want to share is about shampooing frequency.  

Did you know it wasn't considered unusual to only wash your hair once a week until the 1970s?  Social norms in America have you believe that you're dirty if you don't wash head to toe every day.  That is a direct result of a marketing campaign that was launched by Prell shampoo.  They aired commercials telling us to wash daily, and wash until your hair "squeeks".  All because they wanted to sell more product. It even expanded in the 1980s when instructions were printed on every shampoo bottle to "lather, rinse, and repeat"

 While this benefits companies looking to sell more product, it's not good for our hair and scalp.  

You should shampoo, at most, every other day.  If you feel like your scalp gets too greasy, that's a sign that your body is overcompensating for all the natural oils being stripped away.  Try using a dry shampoo instead of washing!  Your color will last longer, your products will last longer, and your hair will be less dry!


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